in Misc. Diary Entry

October 2: Jacob Herman’s Grave

~ Boyd County, Nebraska

October 2, 1920: Was a warm bright day. We came out in Tom’s Car and did the chores, got flowers at Sherlocks, went back for Baby Robert’s funeral at 10 a.m. Had dinner at folks, came home with Tom Ernest, had a nap, then did evening work. Will got corn and hay. We went to Brad’s after hay rack and he was up town working in barber-shop. Tom and Sadie went home at 3 p.m.

October 2, 1923: A bright day but damp. Will got corn with Mr. Crabtree’s help, also wood for both and in p.m. fixed and cleaned hog house as Dr. Hines came at 4 p.m. and they vaccinated 112 hogs. I washed clothes and went to Ableidingers for cream and butter in evening.

~ Hidden Timber, South Dakota

October 2, 1925, Friday: A S.E. wind, cloudy and foggy and very damp during day as mist, nearly a rain in evening, so foggy that Will and George nearly got lost coming from O’Kreek late evening, where they went after finishing fence east of here at 4 p.m. Louise to school and I made watermelon preserves and did rest of work. Ed came for his wagon.

October 2, 1926, Saturday: Bright and dusty south wind, but nice p.m. The men went as yesterday and finished mowing hay on Herman land, and brought mowers home. Miss Doane and I cleaned rooms and went to the store. Her sister, Susie, Mr. Dale Pepper and Edwin A J. Johns came from Fairfax in p.m. and they went for a lunch and to the store and to Mission dance in the evening, and came home late.

October 2, 1930, Thursday: Cloudy and in p.m. quite damp and cold. Will and Wm worked at fence on Moore Creek, and Will went to Wheelers and got a paint brush, and also crossed Nell, who came to the river, and Wm and I took her back, for she came to tell us that Dave and Mable Valandra were married at Winner, Tuesday, September 30, 1930. Nell Larmer wants to move from there now. I am terribly upset about it, but I guess it won’t do any good.

October 2, 1932, Sunday: Warm, but some clouds and a north-west breeze quite strong at times and dusty, also. Roy came, and he rode his horse, and he and Will went down to the river to the pasture, and were home at 10:30 a.m. Narve and Wm went to Gehlsen’s to a dance Saturday night and came home at 5:30 this morning, so they are all in today. Oscar Jackson and Joan came, and we all went to Harry and Louise’s for dinner. We had apple-pie, fried chicken, home-canned sweet corn, potatoes, pickles, jell, bread, butter, gravy, coffee and water.

October 2, 1955, Sunday: Will and I went to tenant house and looked it over. It needs a starter on ceiling light in the north room and a light over the cook stove. Tom and Louise Colombe came this evening, stayed until 11:15 p.m., had a picture of Jacob Herman’s grave at Old Ft. Randall, south side of Missouri River, near Pickstown, 7 miles S.W. of Lake Andes. This picture was of 1889. There is a Memorial Stone at Grandma Herman’s grave at St. Francis, south of Rosebud 7 miles, and it has Grandpa Herman’s name on it also.
From Harley Furrey: Jacob Herman was born in Hesse Germany in 1827. He immigrated to America when he was 17 years old, and he died in 1887. He worked in the fur trade and as a  blacksmith for the US Army.

Mary Louisa Tesson (Herman) was born in Colorado in 1834 and died in 1906.
  1. I have these pictures in my home. These are my grandmother’s great grandparents on her father’s side.

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