1940 Aug. 28th Wednesday
Was cool in night but warm day. I got meals, laid down in p.m. and visited with Rena, Yvonne and Clarence, who came down at noon, while waiting for coal-oil at Whiting Store and I gave Yvonne the dark wine colored Velvet dress of mine, so they went home after dinner to make it over for her. Seth moved dirt with 4 horses. LeMoyne rode first in forenoon. He wanted to quit working here for he and Will went to O’Kreek to get pipe for well cut and had it threaded at McKee’s for they had the tools that belong to Paulsen, O’Kreek Garage Mechanic. They got back to windmill east of Strids, but no fix, that is put back pipe. Will and I took LeMoyne home after. He took his saddle but Will [will] get his clothes later. Seth walks home after supper.
1944 Aug. 28th Monday
Sun shone was hot in sun but not so bad in shade. A Northwest breeze to Southwest then to South and Southeast in eve. I got breakfast. Van Epps brought Pete, Prince and Alabama home and Mrs. Carl Gehlsen, Rita, Bobby and RoseMary (Ann) came so all Van Epps went with them to Winner, also Mr. Armbuster (I guess but I never saw him). Will and I went to Hank Haukaas’s where they were Combining Barley Bundles, and Herman and 2 boys, Herman’s brother-in-law were helping Hank. Will asked to use Fanning Mill and it is ready to go for they repaired it. We went on to Winner, had dinner at Ryan Cafe. Got Bond fixed so it could be sent in to get signature of Company in New York City, then to Bud Anderson’s American Victory Circus, North of Railroad Tracks on grassy plot. It was enjoyable for me. Tent crowded to overflowing but Will no like it. We saw Van Epps, Gehlsens, Pierces, Abbotts. Claude Sully got our tickets so we got in, in a hurry and [had] nice reserve seats. Met Mr. Chauncey Sr. going to mow north of Sundquists when we went to Winner and Mrs. got him in Pick Up in eve so we met again at gate going out of River Pasture, talked awhile, then [went] home for was getting cloudy in West and Lightening. Had ice-cream, 1 1/2 quarts. I fried Liver and fresh-pork and we also had sandwiches, to be before any rain. Gehlsens went home after dark.