1923 March 2nd Friday
A very windy dusty day but bright until eve cloudy and warm. The men took care [of] hogs all day. I fried sausage and had a headache so not much else.
1933 March 2nd Thursday
Bright, nice a.m. but clouded in p.m. and a S.E. breeze. I got meals and cut meat and cooked lard. Will got 2 loads hay in hills and Ben helped him in p.m. and they got cane in eve. Wm and Narve drove a broncho. Rena & Lemoyne got roosters and Gobblers.Mrs. Len Haukaas and Themla got Harness.
1943 March 2nd Tuesday
Bright but cold. The men chored and picked iron. Elsie and Billy came, she cleaned front room and dishes, I got meals, laid down. She got Margie at school and brought our mail. Robert Meyers, Sa’l Agent, Winner, came in p.m. Mr. & Mrs. E. Gran, Illaine and Elizabeth came to sign Farm Program for 1943, went to Dreys from here.
1953 March 2nd Monday
Snowed this day some so Men fed cattle and worked some at Shop. Dan is putting a Cover [on] front Ford Tractor and Will Staid in house in p.m. and Laid down and Read some. I have my everyday dresses finished but am planning to clean some black one to wear on chilly days if I go places. Have some underwear to fix, Slips & Nightgowns or Rather to make new also have the meals and solitaire to play, all writing so takes time.