1943 March 4th Thursday
Cloudy, cold Northwest wind and a storm for to-day no come. The men chored and after dinner Will went to John Boyds for they have oats and corn to sell but Claude Van Epps had bought it. W.D. worked at Stalls in barn and helped John and George Jansen unload 108 bu. 12 lbs. milo ($160). They sold 5120 lbs. iron ($18.02) and 20 lbs. metal ($19.02). I got meals but not much else but laid down and played solitaire and read some.
1943 March 5th Friday
Snowing most of this day from N.E. changed to Northwest and cleared in eve. Ground was white. I got meals. We had fresh fish for dinner and washed clothes for Will got in water and took and kept machine running for Brimmer is broke and exhaust pipe leaks but we got clothes washed and packed away. I laid down in p.m. Will fed cattle cake and hay and W.D. hauled 3 loads hay, 2 to bull pen and 1 here and 1 load sudan here and he chored alone in eve for Will has a cold. He brought Marjorie here from school and went home with W.D.
1943 March 6th Saturday
Sun shone but was very cold, never got above 10 above. I got meals but am all in with cold in chest and Will has to lay around on account [of] cold and so much coughing. W.D. chored and went home to eat for our eats are slim but I baked bread and played solitaire. Wm V.E. went [to] Claudes [to] unload hay and a load of manure and brought his wagon behind car with a load of corn. I dried some clothes indoors. Our Aladdin Lamp smoke awful this eve so we had to go to bed early.
1943 March 7th Sunday
Sun shone cold, got to 18 above was 22 below at 8:30 a.m. I got meals, such as it is for cold is miserable in throat and chest. We had canned chicken yesterday and to-day. Will had to lay around for he sneezes all the time since last night and cold is miserable. W.D. chored and he and Elsie caked cattle and he ate at home and got a load of corn this p.m. Ben Clausen came [on] horseback this noon and staid until eve and paid rent on pasture.
1943 March 8th Monday
Sun shone, was 10 above in morning and got to 42 in p.m. so snow is going fast. I was worse with cold and Will is better but never got up until 10 a.m. I got up but had to lay down for 2 hours in day. W.D. chored and gave cattle hay, fixed pen in barn at west and got the mail in p.m.
1943 March 9th Tuesday
Cloudy, snowed to-day was a white ground at night. No Legion Meeting [at] Arnold Moshers Boarding School. Will is better but my throat and lungs hurt, couldn’t do a thing but Will washed dishes, got dinner. W.D. hauled hay 3 loads and 1 Sudan and got meals ready for to take to town. The men got Margie at Wm Abbotts after school in our car.
1943 March 10th Wednesday
Sun shone and a south wind. W.D. hung out clothes, washed last Friday. I am still all in with sore throat and lungs so laid down and read some, played solitaire. Will took bath and W.D. got his 4 wheel trailer and hauled it to Highway with Model A then Will took 3 wagon wheels to Mission to get fixed and home in p.m. W.D. went home for dinner as I am all in to cook. He brought Elsie and Billy in p.m. and She washed all dishes. Will got clothes off of line in eve.
1943 March 11th Thursday
Sun shone and was warm, got to 40 above in p.m. I got breakfast and my throat so sore and feet pain so I took bath and soaked feet and sweat to beat the band, couldn’t finish dinner, Will had to. He has a headache to-day but He and W.D. caked and gave cattle hay at Wagner Shed. They worked at Stall in west and barn and put horses in Round corral, those they are breaking to lead. Snow is going fast. Margie walked home last eve and no doubt will this eve.
1943 March 12th Friday
Bright, beautiful day. Will chored and gave cattle hay at Wagner shed for W.D., Elsie and Billie went to Carl Gehlsen’s, where Elsie and Billie staid while W.D. took wagon wheels to Mission, also got his 2 wheel trailer at Carl Gehlsen and brought all the wagon wheels home that Will took Wed. They came here in eve and Billie’s eyes are swollen a lot so Joe (Mrs. Gehlsen) took Elsie and Billie to Mission to Co. Nurse Briggs this p.m. I guess it is snow blind[ness] for ground has been so white last few days. They brought the mail and Will got A.A.A. check $260.06, lowest earned since program started.
Frank Van Epps, wife Tina, sons Eugene, Vernon, daughter Madeline Carol brought Sarah Van Epps, Totton and Sterling to Will’s but they at Mission so came here in p.m. and took Sarah and Sterling up there on way home for Marjorie walked home this eve and walked to school this morning. Van Epps had to make out an income tax report. My throat is so sore I can scarcely talk or swallow. I laid down this p.m. Will put horses in round corral and he and Frank Van Epps worked at Stall in barn. We never had any dinner so boiled eggs, friend potatoes and mustard sardines are good in us.
1943 March 13th Saturday
Cool in morning but got warmer in day and kind of hazy and an east wind. I got breakfast and Will and W.D. chored and caked and gave cattle hay at Wagners. W.D. has a sore throat so went home at noon to stay until chore time and put horses from corral to barn for they were tied out there when Will and I went to Winner. We took wrong title so paid for V8, 1943 License but never got a registration card. We got cash to buy some bonds at Mission. Groceries and meats, drugs, ate hamburgers, pop, milk and coffee drinks for we had no dinner.
1943 March 14th Sunday
Foggy, Frosty, cold, staid cloudy all day. I had a headache so has Will, his has been for several days but he took me to 8:30 mountain time, 9:30 our time church at Hidden Timber Chapel and Fr. Grether baptized Doris LeAnn Marie Whiting, 15 month old daughter of Thomas and Athel Whiting, whose marriage he blessed also. Doris fussed some but she was a pretty good kid. Mrs. Elmer Gran and Tom Whiting were witnesses. Caroline, Jimmy and Willis Gran, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Drey, Tom Whiting and myself were only ones at Mass. Men caked cattle and a cow dead near Van Epps.
1943 March 15th Monday
Started to rain early, changed [to] sleet and ice, then snow and Strong Northwest wind but men chored and Will went in Car and gave cattle hay at Wagner Shed. W.D. hauled 2 loads Sudan, 1 here and 1 to bull-pen, they watered stock in barn and W.D. went home early and left his car at bull-pen for he took grain there and car wouldn’t start. Yesterday p.m. W.D. got a load of corn at Claude’s and asked Elmer Chauncey to help him skin the cow which they did. I got meals, laid down in p.m. for I still have cold in lungs and sore throat. Will has pains around his eyes and had to wear a cap to play cards in eve.
1943 March 16th Tuesday
Snow blew from Northwest quite hard, was 14 above and zero at morning but wind put chills into you when outside. My throat is better but still I cough. Will’s head aches over left eye on account of cold. The Men chored and watered horses and then W.D. went home via Bull-pen to feed calves & Bulls grain and cake. I got meals, baked bread, laid down in p.m., played solitaire and Will had me make out an order for some small tools to Wards but we are all in. Wm Van Epps has a sore throat and his hips hurt but went home to stay at midday.