in Misc. Diary Entry

February 20: Feen-a-mint Gum

1925 February 20th Friday

Was a bright nice day. Will was sick in a.m. but better so in p.m. went to Ed’s and helped him husk Moore corn. I rendered lard and mopped the floors. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Menz, Delila & Ada, Rena, Leo & Edward came from St. Francis.

1935 February 20th Wednesday

S.E. wind and fairly nice day then got quite strong and dusty so Will got the clothes off the line and he got them hung out after dinner for he brought in water and I washed the clothes and he helped rinse them. I got meals, rested in p.m., played solitaire. Will and Elmer cut back some calves and Elmer took the others to hills and fed last cake there. Fritz hauled 2 loads thistles from Moore Creek to-day.

1945 February 20th Tuesday

Wind from N.W. changed to Southeast and was chilly, cloudy and flurries of snow off and on all day. I got breakfast, a lunch for Will, Doris Turney, Hilbert Gran and a 19 yr. old son Arnold of Mr. Menke near Turney’s, who wants to join the army at once. They came to see about it and stayed awhile. We had milk-toast in eve. I played solitaire, read some, laid down awhile. Will, Van Epps and his father fed cattle hay and the Van Epps went home before dinner to go to Amy Barnes Sale south of Mission. Will chored early, got in a box of coal off of the porch, took a bath.

1955 February 20th Sunday

Partly fair so Dave with Cat and dozer cleared paths of snow last p.m. He fixed a scraper of board on dozer and Jeanne came up this day. Snow knee deep but Jack & Cherrie will come when paths cleared. Will & Dave gave cattle hay. I am still trying to clear system of all things going, pain in stomach is clearing with Feen-a-mint gum (a laxative) helps a lot. I get eats and we play samba and pitch.