1926 January 11th Monday
Bright but real cold after a night of strong N.W. wind and was snow, so a small blizzard. William went hunting yesterday and today in a.m., got one duck yesterday and 2 to-day. Will being at Spencer, Nebr., came to Winner Saturday night, out to O’Kreek with Ed Anderson this forenoon and home in p.m. on Billy which he rode over to O’Kreek Thursday. He stayed Friday night at John Ableidingers, had 2 meals at H. Bradstreets and saw all the old neighbors and everyone well, but a few deaths as of late, Grandma Schmidt, Perry Skelton and Mrs. Franz Kaye. I did the work and washed clothes but hung out only a few. Mr. Geo. Menz came for his cow. Louise to school and all the scholars there, but Margaret Schmidt, who had a swollen face.
1936 January 11th Saturday
Cold, cloudy, frost until towards noon, frost gone, clouds remained. Will is sick with a cold so laid in bed nearly all day, got up before noon and went to mail letters and was too late so brought them back. Henry gave the front-room wood-work a coat of under varnish to make it lighter color and he stayed in evening to hear Jesse Rogers of Eagle Pass, Texas, so went home at 8 p.m. Frank and LeMoyne got six loads of hay from N.E. hills but never unloaded last 3 loads. I got meals and in p.m. picked out more words from Boy’s Home Birthday Party. Frank went to Daywitt’s Farewell Dance for Tony Martins as leave soon for Idaho, where Sinclairs live. Bill Smith went to Lattimores before sun-rise and led a team back home in eve still leading the team but he helped Lattimores butcher.
1946 January 11th Friday
Northwest wind strong and cold and a few clouds so not pleasant as some snow fell. Will chored and got in cobs but he has pain in his face and head from cold so had to stay indoors until chore time in eve. I got meals, made out income report, played solitaire and read some. Seth Whiting, Carol Jean and Fay, Levi Leighton, Seth’s brother-in-law were here last eve. Levi wants a job working for us but we do not need anyone now. Van Epps came and gave calves hay and went home before noon,
1956 January 11th Wednesday
Bright nice day. Men gave cattle hay and cake, then brought pork from garage in house. Chester and Ellen cut meat. Will helped wrap first half, it’s in deep freeze. I wrote names and we went home to eat as Darryl in bed, had to take him to Rosebud for shots and pills this eve. Elaine along. They cut other half pork and wrapped in p.m. I wrote names. Will slept as all in. I am not too well but we played cards late p.m.