1926 January 30th Saturday
Foggy, cloudy and some sleet this day. Will went to Menz’s with gas and they came over and took Louise and I to St. Francis, as Tom came late last night and Coyners brought word that Phoebe died at Pierre, so Will and I took Menz’s sled home, got our buggy, went to Tom’s and got gas and oil and home at 11 p.m., and Louise and William still up, but William sick to-day, so he never went, and Will stayed home also on account of the chores, and Carl Anderson hauled corn to-day. The roads bad to St. Francis. We had a puncture at Rosebud Hill, so walked to the hospital and waited until Mr. Menz fixed it. We got to St. Francis at 4 p.m. and found Dave, the girls and a few of their companions at home, and the relatives getting ready to go to Kilgore to get Phoebe’s body, which arrived from Pierre via Rapid City at 7 p.m. They got to Dave’s at 9 o’clock, and the friends and relatives stayed up all night. Mrs. Gary and Mrs. Ben Bordeaux dressed Phoebe beautifully during the night.
1936 January 30th Thursday
Sun shone all day until towards eve some clouds and was cold but warmer than last few days. The men chored and Frank and LeMoyne gave cattle hay that they got North of Strids. Will put one coat on kitchen walls and in p.m. they all went to the store, but there wasn’t any meeting of Indian group so they came back and Will put more paint on Kitchen walls and boys chored. I got meals, painted and mended front-room window shades.
1946 January 30th Wednesday
This is Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s, deceased, Birthday and Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt’s Pal, is dead, died yesterday, will be buried Friday. The March of Dimes for Infantile Paralysis is on. Men fed cattle by sledding, for they had to get them in this morning as it is snowing and windy from N.W. and cold but quit in day. After dinner they went to Whiting Store to get mail. I did usual work.
1956 January 30th Monday
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Birthday. Bright, nice day. Will has pains of all kinds so had to stay in bed. Chester fed cattle. Ellen drove Pick Up to cake them. Geo. Klein came to collect $1.00 from Janis, $5.00 from W.J. Ellen came up to say that Darryl had to fill a card of 20 dimes so I gave them to her, I guess to take to school by Mrs. Larson (Cora) at Klein School. I had to have milk this eve from Thomas’s separated.