in Misc. Diary Entry

March 5

1926 March 5th Friday

Cold N.E. wind and turned to N.W. and cloudy in the p.m. Will & William early finished chores except the gate. Louise to school. Bill Elshire came to get wire-stretcher. Leonard Evers brought the mail from O’Kreek and went to Dick Schmidt and several folks passed by. I rendered some lard but not much success on account of my shoulder pains as I made Danish Pastry and quit for the work of day.

1936 March 5th Thursday

Bright, nice, S.E. wind quite strong. I got meals, baked bread and sewed on my black velvet dress and mended LeMoyne’s shirt. Will chored, then went to Massey’s near Crystal Springs, S.E. of Jordan and to Jordan and Presho where he saw Mr. Schulte, all these about cattle to pasture but none so far and home at bed-time. He had dinner and supper at Witten on way back and home from Presho, S.D. Frank and LeMoyne took lunch, 2 hay-racks and put six loads on stack on Hampl land and hauled one home in eve. They had to chore this eve for Will not home yet. Mr. Clarence M. Wheeler and Stanley Whiting went to Valentine, Nebr. yesterday and came this noon with 2 loads of lumber and posts and nails and got stuck at gate coming into our yard so unloaded there, they will get the balance either to-morrow or very soon.

1946 March 5th Tuesday

Cloudy, cold, snow late p.m. Will and Van Epps fed cattle hay and Van Epps went home after he ate dinner so Will and I to Valentine after they caked cattle after eating dinner. We got there just as Oliver Walcutt Funeral at 2 p.m. and businesses closed until 3 p.m. so I got to Dr. Farner Clinic and a New Dr. examined me. Snow started so we got things and came home. I saw Mrs. Roundy and she said Mr. & Mrs. Bert Roundy, Gerald, Anthia and Loretta there with Herman Schneiderweit to Walcutt Funeral.

1956 March 5th Monday

Bright, nice after Foggy morning and some wind so clothes dried that Louise and Mary washed, and Mary put on line. Elaine and Mary got them in and Mary ironed, also Louise helped. Ellen drove and we went to Store, sent Will a letter, saw Wm. Van Epps. We got mail, 2 letters from Will written Sat. & Sunday, home via Thomas’s to get milk. Home to get clothes in. Billie A. here, took some home.