in Misc. Diary Entry

July 19-25, 1945

July 19, 1946, Friday

Was very chilly last night and indoors this a.m. but warm outside as sun shone bright but none too warm, for Will and I went to Valentine this late p.m., left at 4:30 after Will took the top of hydraulic lift off as he went to mow north of barn on hill and it wouldn’t work, but at Valentine the Chicoine Tractor and Imp. Co. said that trouble must be part on tractor, so they will come out to see tomorrow. We got groceries and corn for chickens, ate supper at Bob’s Cafe, got ice-cream and came home this morning and said that the bull was hurt so Delores brought it this p.m. We drank lemonade, she went home, we to town.

July 20, 1946, Saturday

Bright, warm after a cool night and cool again this eve. I got meals, laid down awhile after I got dinner for Will and mechanic who came from Chicoine Imp. Co. Valentine. he has a crippled hand but fixed the hydraulic lift on tractor so Will went out to mow after he put some touches on mowing outfit, he is mowing N.W. of barn and came in late. I laid down in p.m., also I put things away so Will helped to hang curtains in front room and bedroom this morning. My feet pain so much I can scarcely walk.

July 21, 1946, Sunday

This is Will’s birthday. After cool night was very hot in p.m. and cool in eve but not enough wind to pump water for cattle on Moore Creek in Big Pasture so cattle have no water. We got up late and I still can scarcely walk but got breakfast and supper, we never ate much at noon. Had a lunch at Furreys after the ball-game between Lone Hill (Sazama) and Kriz teams. Kriz won but Kriz and Snethen had an argument with Tom Sr., Bud and Tom Sazama about a play Bud made but hurrah Sazama. We took salt to cattle but they had plenty at mill near Strids, we went through north of Pierce’s and came back that way to see but no water on Moore Creek. We stopped at Pierce’s to tell Mr. that he could use tank here.

July 22, 1946, Monday

Was 54 above this morning so cool indoors but sun shone and enough breeze from S.E. to pump water. Will takes lunch after choring and breakfast to mow around Stony Hill east of Lundermans and walked in this eve so can scarcely do any more. I ate lunch and got supper this eve, fried a broken wing chicken. I feed chickens in eve as Will is usually late.

July 23, 1946, Tuesday

Bright, still day so no water pumping at mills in Big Pasture. Will and I went out in car and drove cattle to South Mill this p.m. so I am sure water is low. Will is mowing on Lundermans at Big Hill but had to get cattle to water. I got meals, for Will fixed some repairing at hay tools.

July 24, 1946, Wednesday

Rained a little last night and cloudy early but bright, warm day. I got breakfast and supper, for Will and I went to mower as he thought it leaked oil but it did not. We went to Winner, saw Ernest Buettner at Hallock Field and they will get our cattle to market Saturday, then on to Winner. The hog wasn’t cut and in locker yet but we got a shoulder, some ice, beef roast and groceries, my fixed shoes and home to eat ice-cream then Will went out to mow at Big Hill on Lundermans. I started to fry the pork, got supper for I am all in although it is my birthday, was a miserable day.

July 25, 1946, Thursday

Bright day and warm but east breeze and ice kept meat cool while I finished working it. I made a patch of Jello, put on ice and it spilt in tub so next one I watched until set, got 2 meals and laid down in p.m. Will chored and took lunch and mowed at Big Hill on Lundermans and went to Thomas Whiting’s Jr. to see if he would mow tomorrow and he will so that is that.