July 19-25, 1936

July 19, 1936, Sunday

A Southwest breeze until in p.m. wind changed to North and a sprinkle of rain then it changed to S.W. again. I got meals, laid down in p.m., then Will and I ate a lunch, took water and went to a fire east of Crazy Hole, where it burnt to Nelson Bros. Ranch and this fire is in his pasture. There was a large crowd there. The fire burnt hay land for west Tripp Co. Farmers. Seth, Thomas & LeMoyne came in late from Hidden Timber dance, went to Air Show at Winner to-day.

July 20, 1936, Monday

North breeze cool. Some small clouds but warm in p.m. outside. LeMoyne rode Joe, the Badland Bronco, and he ran with him, bucked, ran into wind-mill, then got away so he got a horse at Pierce’s and drove him home with saddle and bridle on and caught him, he rode Cody back to fence near Pierce’s where Thomas is fixing it and had no lunch, so LeMoyne took something to eat. Mr. Chauncey, after getting Elmer and Roy located and mowing and raking the Quigley land, came and took an old sow and 5 pigs to Winner to sell them for us. Will went along to get sweep repairs, also windmill repair and they all got in at same time and saw a fire west of Ray Carr’s so got water and left in mr. Chauncey’s Pick Up but fire was out so came back and Saddle horse was south of river so Thomas and LeMoyne got it, went out in our car. Mr. Chauncey went to get Roy and Elmer but they had gone home from mowing for they broke a piece of one of the mowers, he ate supper, went home. I got 2 meals, sewed on a dress I cut out last summer.

July 21, 1936, Tuesday

After cool morning was a hot day and so dry. I got breakfast and washed separator then Will finished the dishes and I got ready and we left for Wallace Weidners to see if he would plow fire guards but he was not home, then to O’Kreek, where I got spark-plugs cleaned, to Rosebud, had dinner at Jones Cafe, to Hospital. Dr. Jones not home, to Council Meeting, back to Mission, home. Thomas worked at sweep-teeth, oiling and putting bolts in them. LeMoyne rode on horses in p.m. and cattle in a.m. and he got dinner. Ben Clausen walked here in morning and was all in, so we went to Bill Smith’s and told him to go to Ben’s to help him, and LeMoyne said on our return that he went over right away. There were men from North of Presho looking for summer-pasture and hay for winter here this p.m., also Fritz Van Epps came for ice to make cream, for Mr. Lattimore sold his milk cows to a man east of Wood and Stanley Whiting will deliver them.

July 22, 1936, Wednesday

Yesterday was Will’s birthday and I gave him some taps after he went to bed and he was too tired so only scolded me. Thomas plowed fire-guards around Big Stack on McDonald land and a half mile along the went side. Will fixed his lunch as I started breakfast and was too all in so Will finished it and washed the dishes and worked and painted the sweep-teeth. I got dinner and supper but laid down in p.m. LeMoyne went around cattle and horses.

July 23, 1936, Thursday

Yesterday was hot also to-day real hot. I baked bread and got meals and washed the sheets and dress-shirt and they dried in a hurry. Will got water in and he and Thomas took them down to Chaunceys and Will got LeMoyne and after we went to Chauncey hay-camp. LeMoyne went around stock in a.m., fixed wind mill by going in car.

July 24, 1936, Friday

Another bright hot day, wind from S.W. changed to North in p.m. and was hot. LeMoyne got some water and I finished the washing, hung them out and brought them in. I also got meals but LeMoyne and I alone for dinner and supper. Will got Ivan Lattimore, and Thomas stayed at Chauncey’s last night so with Elmer’s and Mr. Joe Hoon’s help they put up 2 big stacks and 1 small one and Will and Ivan came home for the night. LeMoyne cared for stock and took a bull to river-pasture that got out. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lattimore, Melvin and Glen came for awhile in the eve. This is my birthday and I felt pretty good.

July 25, 1936, Saturday

Another hot day, breeze from South west and North. I got meals and mopped floors and ironed 9 shirts. LeMoyne went around stock and chored, for Thomas, Will and Ivan Lattimore are at Chaunceys stacking 3 stacks of wheat with Joe Hoon’s and Elmer Chauncey’s help. Roy Chauncey and Neil came in p.m. for stacker teeth and I froze a little ice-cream so they and LeMoyne ate a dish in p.m. Mr. B. J. Wagner and 2 men from north of Presho, S. Dak. came in p.m. to buy feed and also rent our place so I sent them to Chaunceys but nothing doing so men went and B. J. came to store with Will. We took T. and L. to H. T. dance in eve.

July 19-25, 1926: Louise and Bess came in a Ford Coupe that they bought

July 19, 1926, Monday

Bright, real hot day and a few clouds late p.m. and eve but no rain. Will was sick with a head-ache so he stayed indoors and got dinner and Louise, Bess, Mrs. Menz and children and I went to canyons S.E. of Baileys and got some choke-cherries and home via Baileys to get some water. George cultivated at home and William and Moores. Henry Arcoren and Noble Moore here for dinner and Noble went to Pierces and back here for the night. Louise & Bess washed clothes in eve. Alfred Night-Pipe and Frank Wright here today looking for horses & calves.

July 20, 1926, Tuesday

Warm and a few clouds passed but no rain, only a sprinkle. Will and Mr. Wheeler went to Winner with a load of hogs for us and brought home sweep, also a binder. George finished cultivating corn here and helped William at Moores. After Louise and Bess ironed their clothes, I took them via Wisenberger and got buggy on my return. Some men from Gregory Co. here to see Will about pasturing cattle.

July 21, 1926, Wednesday

Bright but cool all day and night. George fixed binder and had to go to Carter in p.m. to get repair for binder. Will helped him and in p.m. went around the cattle. William cultivated all day on Moore’s. I did up the work, and Father Beichel, Nellie, Mary, Jeanette and Harriet came in the room and I went along to Tom, Browns and Ed’s to tell them Mass to-morrow. William Whiting, Mary, Jeanette & Harriet went to Menz’s and told them about Mass.

July 22, 1926, Thursday

Bright, warm day, south wind strong. Will & George fixed binder and William & George went to cut barley in p.m. but binder broke and barley too short. Will went around cattle in p.m. Frank Linney brought his cattle. Father Buechel, went home after Mass. Those here were all of Menz’s except Fred & Levi, Ed’s, Tom’s, the Brown family and Mr. Wagner. All went home at noon. The girls rested and in p.m. Harriet, Jeanette & Mary went to the pond and got fish. I am sick so only got meals. Jake Wisenberger was here today.

July 23, 1926, Friday

A very strong south wind in the night and bright and warm to-day. Will went around cattle and Ray Bailey came home with him for dinner. In p.m. Will and William who fixed his mower helped some men brand, they were with Frank Ruble and brought cattle from Keya-Paha or southern Gregory Co. George mowed all day at the barley. The girls, Nellie, Mary, Jeanette, Harriet and Hermione after they helped me with the work watched those men brand and we went to the store in a wagon in the eve. Mr. Henry Smith, son & father stopped to see about cutting hay.

July 24, 1926, Saturday

Bright and cool enough for a fire in cook-stove so got meals and baked pie and cake there. Jeanette and Harriet baked a small cake. The girls cleaned all the house and helped me cook then got ready for the dance at Tom’s Bowery. Will and Ray Bailey came for dinner from the wind-mill and went to the store. William broke his mower so helped them put up mill in p.m. George mowed all day at the barley. Mrs. A. Elshire and Minnie brought home the freezer. Mr. & Mrs. Will Colombe passed us on our way to Menz’s. Mrs. Joe Story and children and another lady stopped. Helen came in p.m. to go to the dance.

July 25, 1926, Sunday

Cloudy at times, especially late p.m. and not so very hot but ice melted so fast for the girls and I tried to make ice-cream in p.m. Louise and Bess came in a Ford Coupe that they bought, with Jay and Mabel Phillips in their car and this a.m. they with William went to O’Kreek to see about a school then on to a ball-game between Hidden Timber and Keya-Paha at Keya-Paha. Will fixed fence and went around cattle and in p.m. slept as he is sick with a cold and head-ache. George went home last eve and back this eve. John and Jake Wisenberger here this a.m. Helen went home late p.m.Louise-with-Car

July 12-18, 1956

July 12, 1956, Thursday

Dora Brownfield’s Birthday. Bright, warm day after cool a.m. We had breakfast, and Will and I went to Valentine to get repairs and groceries and home at noon hour, left at 9 a.m., back at 12:20 p.m., and later in p.m. had pork chops and bread, and same for supper, also potatoes and other eats. We had a Ranch Burger and Frosty Freeze. I take burger, Will Freeze. Will ordered wringer roll and packing and gasket for Coronado Washer at Gambles and we will get them later. Jerry got mail and sat in car as clouded in p.m. and a real rain about 4 p.m. David Whiting is driving Cat to put hay on stack after someone hauls to stacker on sweep. He eats and stays at Parkers. Jeanne took Jack and Cherrie out to see men stack hay and they were caught in rain. Leslie rode home with them. Dave, Will and David came in their Ford Pick Up.

July 13, 1956, Friday

Bright so men got ready to mow hay this p.m. and David went home for the night this eve with his dad mowing on land he owns. Will finished cleaning pipe to sewer from kitchen sink and is it nice to have water run in septic tank, and he cleaned broken glass in basement. Wilbur Blacksmith & Jake Kills In Sight came to see about Hornstra (Ted) Land, if we have been paying lease to anyone, but we put $863 at T.L.E. Office 5 years ago to buy this land but office changed from Billings, Montana to Aberdeen, S.D. and they did not do anything yet but will look into it, also exchange of Katz to me and Fallis to Will. Athel, Doris, Jimmie, Bobbie, Patsy & Danny came to Parkers and Johnsons and Doris & Athel to say that there will be a shower for Dick and Joan Whiting, they were married at St. Francis, S.D. June 29 and were chivaried July 5th.

July 14, 1956, Saturday

Bright, so men out to mow and David & Bill brought in sweep on Ford Tractor and put in new teeth. Dave took it out after dinner and they stacked 3 more stacks this day, making 2 wheat grass and 9 wild hay stacks averaging 6 or 7 tons each. They will put 1 more stack on Old Lodge and moved to Boyer with mowers and rakes. Bent a rake wheel on M Tractor outfit and put on old one on. They came home early to clean and to get ready to go with Parkers to Mission, Johnsons to Winner and Brinda’s this eve. Will and I ate supper and went out to look at cows and hay stacks finished, back at dark. Clouds in S.E. Must be rain there. Will looked at cows about to calf. There are 8 with these 2 year old heifers and some cows, 3 more to come. Harry & Harley Furrey came this p.m. and Harley ate melon. Will & Harry drank tea. One of Parkers’ tame rabbits died and Jerry went there to get Billie to take home and told Jack that rabbit was dying and he came down here crying so much, but it was dead. He and Cherrie took a nap, also I and Jeanne and Will never napped this p.m.

July 15, 1956, Sunday

Bright day but not too hot. Will looked about cows to calf. Johnson went away to Brindas and came home in evening. Parkers are home and Bill & Dave and Jack got some rocks to fix walk on hillside to toilet. In late p.m. Athel and children came, also Bud’s, Robbie, Patsy and Dannie and took Jeanne, Jack & Cherrie to their home for supper, and Dave and Bill went in Parkers’ car later to have supper and they came sometime before midnight and Johnsons stayed home. W. L., Billie and Mrs. Inez got Delores at North Platte last night, home 4 a.m. this morning and here about noon to get water. We just lunched and I fixed chicken. We laid down in p.m. Will and I out to look at cows in eve. Delores back July 24 to L.A. California.

July 16, 1956, Monday

Bright and hot, in p.m. at 98 and indoors was 96 above. We got groceries etc. at Outlaw and gas at East Main on Highway 18. Our eats were only hamburgers and ice water and on way home lunch meat, bananas and I had a peach and crackers. Jeanne washed their clothes and ours that were out on porch. I am glad, for I don’t have to wash for some time. Our machine leaks oil and wringer not so good so when Will goes in, in pick up will take it to Valentine Gamble to be fixed, we went north to O’Kreek and back on 18 to a few miles west of O’Kreek, then back to road going south west of cemetery through hills. Dave, David and Leslie are stacking Old Lodge land. Bill mowing Boyer in a.m., had M Tractor, 2 mowers and rake and in p.m. Ferguson, 2 mowers & rake. We have another calf, making 9 now. I don’t know what Jerry did but he was at garden and Parkers by Jack.

July 17, 1956, Tuesday

Bright hot day. Yesterday Jeanne had to take our fan home and Johnsons had our electric plate but Jerry took it to Mission a week ago to fix but did not say that they did it. She washed to-day. Jeanne cooked a large rooster, made noodles a plenty. Jeanne & Jerry and children went to Athel’s this p.m., brought Patsy, Bobbie, Jimmie, and I don’t know if Danny came. Will had to get Leslie to pull a calf, last heifer to calf this season, 1 old cow here left. I don’t feel good but got nerve to stay along while all away.

July 18, 1956, Wednesday

Clouds in S.W. and before noon seems to be rain that way but sun shone here so I cleaned and decided to wash and had them near finished and couldn’t fix wringer on Parkers’ machine so just washed, squeezed out, put in sink rinse water and hung my checked nylon dress on line and stockings back to washing and north window had rain on it and did it rain, 2 times very much as men came in to dinner, Dave, Bill, Leslie and David. They stacked 4 stacks on Boyer land and mowing old field on Medicine Eagle as they went out late p.m. Will took in pick up our washer to Gamble to fix oil seal and part of John Deere mower that broke last year and was covered with a piece of tin to Wood’s Implement, Valentine, to get fixed. He got 1 ton sack salt and mower fixed so home at 1 p.m. when it rained again but men fixed mower and went to work. Will laid down as his left eye pained a lot. He got up and looked at 1 cow left to calf. Last heifer’s calf is able to get around but kind of wobbly, it had to be pulled. Jerry, Annita and Billie came up to Leslie at garage but he was gone to hayfield, came in to get eggs and first time saw Annita walk. Jeanne, Jack and Cherrie are gone some place and came back before dark.

July 12-18, 1946

July 12, 1946, Friday

Dora Brownfield Mitchell’s birthday. She is buried at White River, S.D. Cool last night but bright, only a few clouds here and there, no rain here, south wind cool at times then real hot. I got breakfast and mended socks. Will chored, visited with Stanley Whiting who came horseback to look for his hog but no find, so he and Will drank coffee and he went home. Lew McKee came and he and Will fixed on mower repairing, visited awhile then drank coffee and went home. Will and I got ready, went to Valentine, stopped at Stanley’s to tell McKee he saw his hog near bull-pen and on way home to give him washers. Will cared for chickens, turkeys, and ducks, we then ate ice-cream. I fried beefsteak. Will looked for Stanley’s hog, no find.

July 13, 1946, Saturday

Some clouds this morning, passed to North and East, then Sun shone, got real warm to 104, then clouds and cooled then warm again, but evening was nice for we had a shower, got real cloudy but passed to the north. I got meals, laid down in forenoon and again in all the heat in p.m. Played solitaire, washed some clothes in cold water so will have to do it over again, mopped hall to basement for Will and I hauled old potatoes and junk to hole on Wagner’s. Will worked at rake and mower and he and Stanley got in our car and looked for Stanley’s hog, for he came horseback but no find. Stanley got 1 of our heifers from Tom’s to Horse Pasture, it is blind with pink-eye. They had coffee, then Stanley went home. Will rested awhile, then got ready, went to Thomas Whiting’s Jr. and took him along to Valentine. Will left here at 2:35 p.m. and returned at 9 p.m., for Thomas brought tractor then came in V8 to his place. Will drove tractor to Thomas’s, came on home in V8. Will got Stanley’s 2 row at their place, left with tractor. Thomas and family went to Mission this eve, for Athel had the chores finished when Thomas got home. Will brought liver and cured sausage links so I fried them, for all Will had in town was 2 malted milks and a cup of coffee, so he had a lunch before bedtime. I lunched this eve and more later again.

July 14, 1946, Sunday

Cloudy, cool until in p.m. sun shone and got warmer. A north to N.E. breeze and was cool. Will chored and I got breakfast for him, for I fasted and Will took me to 8:30 Mass. We stopped at Thomas’s, they did not go, for Thomas has a headache. 2 men brought our New Pastor, Fr. Eugene W. Szalay. He is tall and a blond. Van Epps came down and got a fruit box full of young fries. I had pork sausage and liver fried so they ate sandwiches and drank coffee, then went home. Will and I ate a lunch of sandwiches and lemonade, got ready and went to Mission to Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. 3 ring circus. First Will got a qt. of ice-cream at Horst’s cafe and we went to trees at park edge, ate it, then to Circus Grounds northwest corner of Mission. A very large crowds, so many had to sit on ground or stand around edges of tent where there were no seats. We saw Elmer Grans, Wm Van Epps, Jay Tates, Henry Sells, Hank Haukaas’s, Bess Adrians. Came home to take salt to Big Pasture and I got a bite to eat. Will to Thomas’s. Thomas brought tractor and Eli. Doris and David went with Will and he took them back.

July 15, 1946, Monday

Bright and not so hot. Will feeds chickens still locked in coop and pen, and he elied the corn on Wagners, 15 acres and came to dinner then finished middle p.m., took eli to Whiting Store, got mail and came home to chore and took garbage to hole on Wagners. I went along, never knew that we were to go to see if Thomas could take the drill and tractor to Boarding School. I laid down in forenoon and p.m., got eats and was too all in, did not do much but fried chicken.

July 16, 1946, Tuesday

Bright, only a few clouds in morning and was hot in p.m. A Southeast breeze. I got breakfast and Will chored. We went to Furreys and Harley and Harry were cutting grain on Larson’s and in p.m. were at Flood Place, so we never got to see them but Louise, Dorothy, Billie and Mary were at Home. They were washing clothes and on our return from Winner, we brought the pork chops, ribs, lard and scraps from a hog Harry had butchered at Outlaw Packing Co. and he took one for us there but will get it tomorrow and put part in locker and bring rest home later. Will seemed to not like for me to go do town and this has been the same for nearly 30 years. We washed clothes on our return and finished by lamp light. Had ice-cream and pork chops that Furreys gave us and I cooked in oven.

July 17, 1946, Wednesday

Very cloudy early morning then sun shone real hot, got to 104 above and towards eve a real rain and wind from the Southwest, drove it under our bedroom door and one above upstairs that I had to mop and mop. Will chored, put clothes on line except 2 pails full and I had a time to walk the line and back but put them on  line. Will and I got the washing off of line before the hard rain and they were very dry and in fact hot. Will took drill to Boarding School and got our Todd Co. paper at Van Epps as he came on tractor and took South road, on return he put mower on tractor, last eve he cleaned East Porch where chickens roosted last few months. I got meals, laid down in a.m. and p.m. played solitaire.

July 18, 1946, Thursday

Cool last night and was 54 above this morning, sun shone with clouds north and south but no rain here. I got meals, laid down in a.m. and p.m., played solitaire for I can scarcely walk for painful feet, read some for Will for the mail and mailed letters. Paid Whiting Store all charge accounts. He worked at mower and rake and mowed the yard, turned the chickens out of yard and coop where they have been 10 days and he got them back in eve. He got in milk cows.

July 12-18, 1936

July 12, 1936, Sunday

Another hot dusty south wind, a few clouds in p.m. and dust, a sprinkle of rain. I got breakfast but Will made ice-cream so no dinner but the ice-cream and for supper we ate minced ham and drank root-beer. Will chored in eve, for LeMoyne and Thomas went with Stanley and Seth to Winner show after Fairview vs. Hidden Timber game, H.T. won. Will took me to church and stayed up there to pump air in tires, for our pump on bum.

July 13, 1936, Monday

Cool, lovely south breeze, bright until in p.m. warmer. I got meals and slept in p.m. Will went to Winner to tell Papke’s that the calves are to be vaccinated on Wednesday and a rain down there so roads muddy and he was not home at bed-time. LeMoyne went around horses and cattle. Thomas finished raking oats, got maintainer and scraped the sand away from fence north of round corral.

July 14, 1936, Tuesday

Bright, hot day and a south breeze very warm. Will got in about 10 p.m. last night and he chored, then he and I went to Pat Karnes, no one home, then to Lattimores and gave Violet a pair of my old shoes, a teakettle and 3 towels, back to store for mail, no vaccine so we came home for dinner, then Jack Papke came horse-back with a bull of theirs to put in herd so he and Will went to Valentine, got vaccine and some beef to roast, fresh cucumbers, cabbage and other necessities. Thomas finished the fence north of round corral and LeMoyne went around stock and late p.m. they brought in calves and cows and tried to cut those not having calves and vaccinated calves but it was a job. Will & Papke got back at 6:30 p.m. Will and I to Legion Meeting at O’Kreek in eve.

July 15, 1936, Wednesday

Another hot bright day and south wind hot. I got meals for I baked bread and churned butter yesterday, also baked a cake and got today’s meals so not so bad. I laid down in p.m. Rena, Seth, Edward, Clarence and Yvonne came so I got up. Mr. John Papke and son Oscar of Winner, Tripp Co., Mr. Wm. Schulte and son of Presho, S.D., Lyman Co. came and the men vaccinated 179 calves, ours included after separating calves and mothers. Will got vaccine-machine at Daywitts. Papkes went home but Schultes stayed for supper and after a lunch, Rena and children went home.

July 16, 1936, Thursday

Another hot day. South wind strong. Will got in water and I washed clothes. The men fixed the well Tuesday morning. Thomas fixed fence north of gate to river-pasture and LeMoyne went to Big Pasture and got some cows and calves to River Pasture and late p.m. they went to store, took a swim at dam. Thomas got a bull at Schneiderweits and LeMoyne got our other 4 at Ed’s and not back at bed-time. Will hung out the clothes and brought them in and he chored in eve and was all in from vaccinating, so rested to-day. Some clouds came up in eve so I gathered a sack of cobs and caught the dickens for it on account of washing.

July 17, 1936, Friday

Another bright, hot day. I got meals, ironed the men’s shirts, laid down in p.m. Thomas worked hay-sweeps, took off the broken teeth. LeMoyne to the stock. Thomas took hay-stacker to Chauncey’s in p.m. and LeMoyne and Will took pipe out of windmill on Moore Creek, cleaned tank of sand, went to the store. Wm Pierce, sons Billie & Ernie and Mavis and Leah came in eve for 8 pigs to feed their separated milk to on shares.

July 18, 1936, Saturday

A South-west wind, hot and a sprinkle last night made no showing so was dry as ever. I got meals and baked bread & cake and went with Will in p.m. to N.E. hills to look for grass. Mr. Chauncey and Roy along. They are mowing on Quigley land, had dinner here. Will chored in morning, then went to see Mr. Chauncey and Roy at Quigley land as we saw them taking tractor and mower there. They came with Will and froze ice-cream for dinner. In a.m. Thomas worked at sweeps and p.m. he fixed fence south of gate to river-pasture. Lemoyne rode on cattle in forenoon and the horses in p.m. We took salt to the horses in p.m. Ben Clausen came from Hot Springs yesterday, he came on train to Merriman, Nebr. where he met his brother Jesse of Martin so they went to Martin in car, then his other three brothers of Butte and Naper, Frank, Ed, and Wm. came from Hay Springs where they buried their brother Louis, and Ben rode to Martin with them, met Louis Lattimore at Mission as he was coming from Bismark, N.D. where his father was buried Wednesday, and Ben rode home with him. He walked there this p.m.

July 12-18, 1926

July 12, 1926, Monday

East breeze cool indoors, bright and nice all day. Mr. & Mrs. Lattimore and 3 small children came and Will went along to Wm Smith’s and Dixon to sign papers for leases. William elied his corn and George went to O’Kreek, got Wisenberger battery, went around cattle and fixed fence. Louise and I did ordinary work. LeMoyne, Mr. Beckstel, Fred Menz & Bill Elshire & A. Elshire family were here.

July 13, 1926, Tuesday

Bright and real warm at times. Will went around cattle and in p.m. took tobacco to William, who was eli-ing at Moore, then he went to P.O. for the mail and had care trouble so was home late eve. George started to cultivate here at home for the last time. Louise cleaned up-stairs and the dusty store-room. I made bread, cake and got the meals. Helen & LeMoyne brought us a quarter of fresh beef. Jake Wisenbergers were here in the eve and got 3 qts. cherries.

July 14, 1926, Wednesday

Bright except a hazy cloud at times and in eve real thick in the N.W., real hot at times. William finished eli-ing his corn. George cultivated corn here. Louise went to school-house in p.m. but couldn’t get in. Will & I went to windmill via Wisenbergers and hauled magnesia for tank, put new leathers in and got water to flow. Evelyn Menz was here and Louise cut her hair. George got his car where Will stalled it last eve. Ben Clausen came to spend the eve and the latest news is men putting in new road to Valentine via Wheeler from Hidden Timber.

July 15, 1926, Thursday

Bright, hot day and a sprinkle in eve and clouded before bed-time. Will went to O’Kreek in George’s car and had leases signed by Mr. Moreford. Mr. Lattimore stopped and said Will could have cultivator. Louise washed the clothes and I got meals and was too all in to help her much. William went to Menz’s and got disc cultivator and in p.m. cultivated with George out here.

July 16, 1926, Friday

Bright, unmercifully hot day but Louise walked to the store and mailed leases and letters and walked home then ironed clothes. Will went around cattle and met Henry Arcoren and came back with Will to get Bailey’s pipe wrenches and they made ice-cream. William & George cultivated out here and it was so hot they had to take their time. Louise, Will and I went to Hidden Timber, several waiting for mail but it did not come so we came back for supper and then Will, William and George went up in George’s car and got Will’s suit and the mail. The heat made us all, all in.

July 17, 1926, Saturday

A real north dust storm but no rain in night and a real hot day and south wind and dusty and a beautiful evening. William and George cultivated out here until noon and then William went to Moore’s and started to put in a small wire corral for his horses. A Zeitner boy came and he and George went to Tripp County after William went along with them to the store. Louise cleaned up-stairs and down and I cleaned my room and made bread and cake as I made butter yesterday. Will went north and found horses, had dinner at Corey’s. John Wisenberger got block & tackle. Bess Angel and Emil Kellerman came from Spencer.

July 18, 1926, Sunday

Bright, a real hot day, wind from S.W. real hot. William went fishing and in p.m. George & Wm Cihak, Zeitner, Wm Welch & wife, Ed’s family, Emil Kellerman, Bess, Louise, Will, William and I all went to ball game. John & Jake Wisenberger came this morning and Frank Ruble and Menz family & Elshires, Mr. Lattimore in day & eve. Bess & Louise went to school-house and Elshires at noon.

July 7-11, 1956

July 7, 1956, Saturday

Rained last night and some this early morn but Will went out to see cows and said that road passable, so he ate breakfast of Post Toasties, coffee, rolls and sausage. I had hot water, fruit & juice, bread & butter and sausage then he took a bath and went to tell men we will go to town, Valentine, but Parkers are not here yet this morning, are at Thomas’s but will come soon to live here and put up hay with Johnson. Guess I am all in but got ready to go with Will to Valentine to get repairs and groceries. I never got out of car. Will got a Frosty Freeze for him and hot dog for me. We left at 8:05 a.m. and here by 12:20 p.m. and Will and I ate a bite, rested for awhile then to where Bill, Dave and Leslie were fixing machinery, 2 mowers and rake on M Tractor and Ferguson and were ready to move out to hay field Monday.

July 8, 1956, Sunday

Bright, nice day. Will ate breakfast and I milk and water for was to go to communion so cannot eat. We went to St. Therese Chapel, Hidden Timber for 8:30 a.m. Mass. We waited until 9 a.m. then came home to eat a bite. We looked at cows on way out and now 5 calves. One cow in barn that lost calf and is weak and another lost calf so leaves 6 more to calf. Johnsons went to show. They left a note. Johnsons are home today. Parkers are here to live now. David and Jimmie were here but Bill took Jack and them up to Thomas’s. In eve all came, Bobbie, Patsy & Dannie, Doris to Parkers for supper. Will and I up there to do lights, Linoleum & painted walls.

July 9, 1956, Monday

Bright day and Will took our Pick Up to Winner to have spring fixed and got necessary repairs and told Blomstrom to bring out gas, 674 gallons put in barrels on stand and some in tank on wagon. Mr. Foster, retired manager of Penny Store, Winner, came along. Jeanne and Jack were here and Cherrie was asleep where I sleep. Will got home so he mopped and looked at cattle to calf. Leslie and Dave and Bill Parker mowed wheat grass on Medicine Eagle Land Up My Creek and stacked 8 bunches on Strid of alfalfa and took stacker to wheat grass and put up 1 stack. Jerry & Billie and Annita went to Mission to get a bottle of gas and mailed letters for us at Hidden Timber. Usual eats and laid down. Jeanne washed her clothes and dried all and washed our dishes. Bill & Dave, Jack & Cherrie & Jeanne ate dinner here as I had a roast beef cooked at noon.

July 10, 1956, Tuesday

Bright day so Bill, Dave and Leslie worked at machinery, finished another stack of wheat grass and mowed south of Thomas’s at hill. Will went to cattle and all is well. Cattle north of Sec. 12 were Pierce’s so he came home for dinner. Jeanne is doing work at home and mending sheets. Jack and Cherrie came down in a.m. and late p.m. Dave separates and I get a qt. in eve and Leslie must milk in morning as he brings a qt. of whole milk for Will. I got eats and never saw Jerry nor Billie and Annita. She is walking now, over 10 months old, maybe 11 months. I washed clothes and Will put them on line and porch line S.W. corner of yard.

July 11, 1956, Wednesday

Bright day so men worked at mowing and sharpen sickles. Jeanne, Jack & Cherrie down so we had melon. Usual work & pasture. Will reads. I get eats and play cards. Will looks at cows calving and helps me with work.

July 7-11, 1946

July 7, 1946, Sunday

Bright, hot and very little breeze. I got breakfast and Will chored and we dressed 3 chickens after Will’s head didn’t ache so bad and took them to Furreys to fry. They had new peas, potatoes, gravy, bread, butter, coffee, cream, fried chicken, lemon pie and cake. We also had lunch after coming from O’Kreek vs. Kriz game, 12 to 6 in favor of O’Kreek. The small boys played, then Bad Nation and another Indian team. We visited Dreys at Pierce Gate, took grindstone back to Pierce’s. All in tonite.

July 8, 1946, Monday

Cool indoors until p.m. got warm. I got meals, laid down both forenoon and p.m., wrote in diary, played solitaire, sorted clothes to take upstairs, fixed at a jersey dress. Will cleaned and disinfected coop with DDT spray, cut weeds to there is a path to coop, fixed fence south 1 miles and east to Pierce field in Big Pasture, laid down awhile before noon.

July 9, 1946, Tuesday

Cool last night, bright, hot, a south wind changed to west, strong and dusty in places and so hot going and coming from Rosebud where Will went to see Chas. S. Hight, clerk of White River, S.D. for Todd County since June 1st to tell him that Leonard (Bunny) Hare, Mission via Valentine mailman, would take inductees to Valentine from Rosebud to enter Army. We had dinner at Rosebud Cafe and went to park to rest until 1 p.m., then Will saw Land Division about Richard Lunderman land, then we got groceries and ice-cream at Horsts, Mission, came home to eat it. Rested awhile then Will chored, for he carried chickens from porch to coop so we have chickens locked in coop and pen. We ate lunch, then went to Legion Meeting at Mission Hall. Ladies met on stage behind curtains.

July 10, 1946, Wednesday

Cool Northwest breeze, bright, nice but wind got strong. I got meals, fried chicken in eve, lay down in a.m. and p.m. for we got in at 2 a.m. Will went to fix fence west side of of Section 12 and finished this mile at noon. He rested awhile in p.m., fixed gate post and fence east line of Big Pasture in divide, cleaned overflow of tank North of hills, visited with Bill and Bobby Pierce fixing their barn. He cares for chickens as they are locked in coop and yard. I wrote in diary and cleaned by hand-bag, for I keep about all necessary articles such as memorandums, tools, medicines, prayer book and rosary—if not sorted occasionally will be impossible to get things out. Will also took salt to cattle in Big Pasture this p.m.

July 11, 1946, Thursday

Cool, was 54 above when I got up and sun shone but remained cool indoors. Will chored and fixed rake and mower, that is started to fix them and he took salt box and salt to yearling heifers in horse pasture, and the care of chickens in pen and coop takes time, they ought to be located in a week. I got meals, laid down in forenoon and awhile in p.m. then got up to clean and mop our room, put most of things in front-room so Will can take them up-stairs until cold weather, back they come such as rugs, clothes, quilts and blankets.

July 7-11, 1936

July 7, 1936, Tuesday

A South wind hot and no sign of rain so we are so dry. Will had to get breakfast for I couldn’t make the grade, so stayed in bed all day but got up to take caster-oil and ate some bread and milk late p.m. Will went to store, for I managed to wash separator early a.m. but could do no more, he finished, then he got sick and boys had to get their own supper, wash dishes and do all the work. Thomas mowed and raked the last of alfalfa Monday and started at the oats to-day. LeMoyne went around the stock.

July 8, 1936, Wednesday

Another Hot dry day and dusty at times. I got meals. Will is sick but he managed to go to Jake Wisenberger’s to see about the fire but he was only burning thistles. After dinner he and I went to school meeting at the Hidden Timber hall and no school-houses will be moved this year. We got groceries, home to get supper and wash dinner dishes. Thomas was mowing and raking oats so we left him what water was in thermo bottle. Lemoyne went around stock and 2 more Schulte cows lost new-born calfs.

July 9, 1936, Thursday

This is Wm Whiting’s Birthday and Will and I were at St. Francis but I never thought of it. Will took me to see Dr. Jones at hospital in p.m. We were at St. Francis in a.m. to find Boss Farmer so Will went to Indian Council and I to Jake’s, had dinner there, back to Rosebud. Saw Hinley Boyd (Mose) and we had ice-cream and popcorn, had to wait until 4 p.m. before we saw the Farmer, got Dorian Hay-land for Noel Lunderman, back to Mission where we left Mose with his folks at a large building west side of town where Mrs. and Ella stay with Lloyd & family. We waited at trees down the hill from Rosebud for Farmer in p.m. Dr. Jones wants me back at Hospital July 21st to stay for 2 weeks. Thomas, Lemoyne and Billie Pierce brought the herd of cattle from Big Pasture to River Pasture and Lemoyne got dinner late afternoon and he and Thomas chored in eve, and Will and I got supper, we had beefsteak, potatoes, gravy, lemonade, peanut butter, butter and bread and it was good. Will and I stopped at Sazama’s on return from Rosebud and we talked about the things that were given Pat Karnes, for his house burnt to the ground last Monday morning, so Will and I went over there after supper to Lattimores to Mrs. Karnes to find out their needs.

[The following information on boss farmers is from The Plains Indians of the Twentieth Century, by Peter Iverson: “Boss farmers were involved in arranging leases, distributing rations, assisting the tribal courts, and hearing complaints. Once the white homesteaders arrived, a new duty was added to this list: keeping settlers off tribal land and away from Indian cattle. Disputes arose almost as soon as the reservation was opened. The boss farmer was in a unique position. He was a white man, but he was a federal official.”]

July 10, 1936, Friday

A hot South wind, bright and no rain. I got meals. Will got in water and I washed clothes. Will look them to line and brought a few in, otherwise I finished and wrote in this diary. Ed, Seth, Leo, Melvin, Ivan, Mrs. & Mr. F. Van Epps came for ice and to Ed’s for well tools to fix Nepper well. Will and Thomas cut and raked oats and fixed mower. Lemoyne went around cattle, took Lattimore bull home. We fixed root-beer in evening.

July 11, 1936, Saturday

A hot dusty wind from the south but bright. I got meals, laid down after dinner for awhile, baked bread and mopped floors. Will and Thomas mowed and raked alfalfa until noon, then Lemoyne and Thomas fixed fence between us and Ben Clausen’s. Lemoyne rode on stock in forenoon. Mr. Wm. Schulte, son and a truck driver brought 3 Big bulls and a small one in p.m. and went back after they looked at their cattle. Will took them out in our car and on to a high center and a flat tire east of here, so had to walk in. Will went back with them and got the car when they went home about 4 p.m.

July 7-11, 1926

July 7, 1926, Wednesday

Bright but south wind in p.m. dusty and strong. Louise had a sore throat but washed the clothes and dried dusty but will pass. George elied and finished in p.m. so cleaned barn. Will went around cattle and William finished harrowing on Moore’s at noon and in p.m. they helped Mr. Lattimore fix his division-fence and William got the mail in eve. Louise felt bad in eve. Just did my share of ordinary work this day.

July 8, 1926, Thursday

Bright until middle p.m. clouded and real dust and wind and towards eve rained around here within radius of a few miles. Will & George went to fix wind-mill and George to drive out cattle from Clausen’s place and Will went to Wisenbergers in George’s car. William elied at Moore’s but after threatening rain in p.m., he went to Menz’s. Louise ironed the clothes and cut out herself a dress, which is nice. I just did ordinary work and locked up setting hens in eve. Jake Wisenberger, Ed, Rena, Charlotte, Jay Tate and Kearns here to-day.

July 9, 1926, Friday

A real nice rain early morn and cloudy most of the day and misty. Will & Jake Wisenberger went to Valentine to get a load of corn for us which he borrowed and Will drove truck. William and George went around the cattle and drove in Haisch horses as Chas. McLaughlin came to buy some and had dinner. In p.m. the boys picked potatoes and rode again in eve and William went to the store, also after George took Jake home, Will and I went to the store in George’s car. Louise cleaned upstairs and I made cake, bread and butter. William’s birthday is today.

July 10, 1926, Saturday

I baked bread and in fact was cool enough to use cook-stove all day yesterday and bright and cool today, for I canned cherries on cook-stove, which Will brought from Shelbournes. Louise cleaned the rooms and helped me stem cherries, also Helen, Rena, LeMoyne, Edward and Charlotte came late p.m. and helped me. Will & George went to windmill and fixed it all day. William went to eli on Moore’s. Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Elshire, Dick, Ernie and Howard came to spend eve and boys slept.

July 11, 1926, Sunday

Bright, hot day and S.W. breeze. Elshires went home at 2 a.m. slow time and Helen, who stayed. Louise, William & George came at 2 a.m. from Tom’s dance also, and George went on home. Will rested this a.m. and the rest of us dumpy but a dinner of chicken and cherry pie, I fixed chicken and Louise the pie, and Helen helped with the work. I left one chicken on stove and fire going was burnt up, for we all went to ball-game at Tom’s as George came home between Keya-Paha and Hidden Timber. Lots of folks there and Helen went home with her folks. Mr. & Mrs. Lattimore, Ivan & Melvin brought tomato plants this a.m. and we went to ball-game in wagon so rode out with them.