July 19, 1936, Sunday
A Southwest breeze until in p.m. wind changed to North and a sprinkle of rain then it changed to S.W. again. I got meals, laid down in p.m., then Will and I ate a lunch, took water and went to a fire east of Crazy Hole, where it burnt to Nelson Bros. Ranch and this fire is in his pasture. There was a large crowd there. The fire burnt hay land for west Tripp Co. Farmers. Seth, Thomas & LeMoyne came in late from Hidden Timber dance, went to Air Show at Winner to-day.
July 20, 1936, Monday
North breeze cool. Some small clouds but warm in p.m. outside. LeMoyne rode Joe, the Badland Bronco, and he ran with him, bucked, ran into wind-mill, then got away so he got a horse at Pierce’s and drove him home with saddle and bridle on and caught him, he rode Cody back to fence near Pierce’s where Thomas is fixing it and had no lunch, so LeMoyne took something to eat. Mr. Chauncey, after getting Elmer and Roy located and mowing and raking the Quigley land, came and took an old sow and 5 pigs to Winner to sell them for us. Will went along to get sweep repairs, also windmill repair and they all got in at same time and saw a fire west of Ray Carr’s so got water and left in mr. Chauncey’s Pick Up but fire was out so came back and Saddle horse was south of river so Thomas and LeMoyne got it, went out in our car. Mr. Chauncey went to get Roy and Elmer but they had gone home from mowing for they broke a piece of one of the mowers, he ate supper, went home. I got 2 meals, sewed on a dress I cut out last summer.
July 21, 1936, Tuesday
After cool morning was a hot day and so dry. I got breakfast and washed separator then Will finished the dishes and I got ready and we left for Wallace Weidners to see if he would plow fire guards but he was not home, then to O’Kreek, where I got spark-plugs cleaned, to Rosebud, had dinner at Jones Cafe, to Hospital. Dr. Jones not home, to Council Meeting, back to Mission, home. Thomas worked at sweep-teeth, oiling and putting bolts in them. LeMoyne rode on horses in p.m. and cattle in a.m. and he got dinner. Ben Clausen walked here in morning and was all in, so we went to Bill Smith’s and told him to go to Ben’s to help him, and LeMoyne said on our return that he went over right away. There were men from North of Presho looking for summer-pasture and hay for winter here this p.m., also Fritz Van Epps came for ice to make cream, for Mr. Lattimore sold his milk cows to a man east of Wood and Stanley Whiting will deliver them.
July 22, 1936, Wednesday
Yesterday was Will’s birthday and I gave him some taps after he went to bed and he was too tired so only scolded me. Thomas plowed fire-guards around Big Stack on McDonald land and a half mile along the went side. Will fixed his lunch as I started breakfast and was too all in so Will finished it and washed the dishes and worked and painted the sweep-teeth. I got dinner and supper but laid down in p.m. LeMoyne went around cattle and horses.
July 23, 1936, Thursday
Yesterday was hot also to-day real hot. I baked bread and got meals and washed the sheets and dress-shirt and they dried in a hurry. Will got water in and he and Thomas took them down to Chaunceys and Will got LeMoyne and after we went to Chauncey hay-camp. LeMoyne went around stock in a.m., fixed wind mill by going in car.
July 24, 1936, Friday
Another bright hot day, wind from S.W. changed to North in p.m. and was hot. LeMoyne got some water and I finished the washing, hung them out and brought them in. I also got meals but LeMoyne and I alone for dinner and supper. Will got Ivan Lattimore, and Thomas stayed at Chauncey’s last night so with Elmer’s and Mr. Joe Hoon’s help they put up 2 big stacks and 1 small one and Will and Ivan came home for the night. LeMoyne cared for stock and took a bull to river-pasture that got out. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lattimore, Melvin and Glen came for awhile in the eve. This is my birthday and I felt pretty good.
July 25, 1936, Saturday
Another hot day, breeze from South west and North. I got meals and mopped floors and ironed 9 shirts. LeMoyne went around stock and chored, for Thomas, Will and Ivan Lattimore are at Chaunceys stacking 3 stacks of wheat with Joe Hoon’s and Elmer Chauncey’s help. Roy Chauncey and Neil came in p.m. for stacker teeth and I froze a little ice-cream so they and LeMoyne ate a dish in p.m. Mr. B. J. Wagner and 2 men from north of Presho, S. Dak. came in p.m. to buy feed and also rent our place so I sent them to Chaunceys but nothing doing so men went and B. J. came to store with Will. We took T. and L. to H. T. dance in eve.